Guest Ticketing
Guest Verification Ticketing
Overview The Guest Verification feature allows you to verify guest identity prior to your guests receiving their tickets. Guest verification also allows guest to agree to your attendance terms and conditions in a secure and convenient way. Guest ...
Mass Issuing Guest Tickets
Overview If you prefer to automatically issue tickets to graduates rather than requiring them to claim tickets individually, you can perform a data update to distribute tickets in bulk. This can be done for all graduates or a selected group. Creating ...
Adding a Guest Ticket to an Individual Graduate
Overview This section provides instructions on how to add a guest ticket to an individual graduate’s record. This feature allows you to allocate additional tickets for a graduate’s guests. Navigate to the Graduates Module From the homepage, access ...
How to Manage An Extra Ticket Waitlist
Overview The ticket waitlist process is an advanced tool within the Ceremonies module of your Hub. We suggest meeting with your Client Success Manager to ensure that the waitlist is set up correctly. Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up an extra ...
Distribute Extra Guest Tickets
Overview Throughout the registration process, you may find that you have extra tickets that are available. To disburse these extra tickets you have three options: individually assign them, mass assign them, or open a second allotment. Individual ...
Troubleshooting the Ticketing App
If you are having issues with the Ticketing app, there are a few things to look out for: Graduate pass event IDs include the ceremony ID number plus the letters “GP”. Confirm that your ticket scanning devices are logged into the app using the ...
Assign Tickets Based on a Graduate Data Field
Overview If you need to allow specific groups of graduates access to specific quantities of tickets, Assigning tickets based on a graduate data field, or GDF, is a great option. Graduate Data Fields (GDFs) GDFs represent the information that you will ...
VIP & Reserved Tickets
Overview VIP or reserved tickets can be issued for university administration guests such as personnel, special guests, and VIPs. The Reserved Ticket Layout tab functions the same way as the Ticket Layout tab. It is important to note that reserved ...
Using the Ticketing App
Guest tickets and grad passes can be scanned using the Ticket Scan App for iOS. This app is highly useful when guest tickets are required to maintain venue capacity and to check-in graduates. The app is free and available for Apple and Android ...
Ticketing Email Templates
The Communication module within your Hub should have two automated emails set up: one for guest tickets and one for reserved tickets. These templates are configured with triggers to automatically send when a graduate claims tickets and submits their ...
Design Your Ticket Layout
Ticket Layout On the Ticket Layout tab you can design the format of your guest ticket. Customization options include fonts, style/size and an image editor to embed logos or other graphics. Use these tools to update your Ticket Layout with the ...
Ticketing Properties Tab
Overview The ticketing feature within your Hub enables you to issue guest tickets for your ceremony. You can set capacity limits based on your venue size and specify the maximum number of tickets each graduate can issue to their guests. Reserved ...
Ticket Allotment Periods Tab
Set The Ticketing Allotments On the Ticket Allotment Periods tab, ensure that the Start and End dates, Total Allotment, and Graduate Allotment are set to your preferences: Start Date: Can be set in the past to allow graduates to claim tickets when ...