Replacing a Lost Card

Replacing a Lost Card

Replacing a Lost Card in Director 2.0

If a graduate has lost their card or can’t access their graduate pass on their phone, you can still use all of the information created for them in the software by replacing their card.

Open the Help Desk
After filling out the blank replacement card, search for the graduate’s name in the
Search By field at the top of the Help Desk menu. 

  1. Select the name.

  2. Click Replace Card.

  3. Scan the graduate’s blank card to update their QR code, or type it in.

  4. Click Save.

Two records for the graduate will now be available: One for the old QR code, and one with the new QR code. This will allow the graduate to use either the new grad card or the old card/grqaduate pass if they can find it.