Help Desk Overview for the Director 2.0
Tassel recommends setting up a Help Desk by your graduate entrance or card distribution area. Here, event staff can help with important day-of ceremony needs like distributing backup graduate stage cards, making changes to on-screen display information, or inserting late additions to the ceremony software.
This station should be staffed with knowledgeable personnel that are familiar with the Director software, can manage back-up labels and cards, and direct graduates through the venue. They should be able to complete the following tasks in the Director:
- Complete Last Minute Updates to Graduate Information.
- Removing a graduates audio file.
- Adding a late addition to the Director
- Locate and review Graduates Details to confirm accuracy.
- Distribute backup labels or cards
This station should be equipped with the following:
- Laptop - ensure it has:
- A power supply
- The Director Software Setup App, already installed
- Current Director Database for your ceremony
- QR Code Scanner (Tassel Provided)
- Back Up Cards/Labels - These will be used if graduates lost their cards or their phone is cracked/battery dead and their graduate pass can’t be scanned.
- Gold Blank Cards - These will be given to late addition graduates. They will need to be filled out by the graduate.
- Index Cards - Back up labels will be placed on index cards for graduates to use.
- Sharpie Markers or Pens - Used for graduates to fill out blank cards
- USB Thumb Drive - to merge data to the Ceremony Laptop.
A well-staffed Help Desk can solve problems quickly and help prevent slowdowns in your check-in lines.
Help Desk Overview for MarchingOrder Director 1.0
If a graduate loses their card, does not register, or cannot access their GradPass on ceremony day, staff will refer them to the Help Desk.
Ceremony Coordinators can choose between two options regarding graduate updates on ceremony day:
- Graduate information is not changed on the day of the ceremony, no edits can be made to existing graduate data, and no new graduates can be added to the ceremony. In this case, no Help Desk is needed at the event.
- Graduate information can be added or modified on the day of the ceremony. In this case, please refer to the instructions below.
Last Minute Updates to Graduate Information
MarchingOrder recommends setting up a Help Desk by your graduate entrance or card distribution area. Here, event staff can help with important day-of ceremony needs like distributing backup graduate cards, making changes to on-screen display information, or inserting late additions to the ceremony software.
This station should be staffed with knowledgeable personnel that are familiar with MarchingOrder software, can manage back-up labels and cards, and direct graduates through the venue. They should be able to complete the following tasks in MarchingOrder Director:
- Complete Last Minute Updates to Graduate Information.
- Removing a Graduates Audio File.
- Adding a late addition to the MarchingOrder Director.
- Locate and review Graduates Details to confirm accuracy.
- Distribute backup labels or cards.
A well-staffed Help Desk can solve problems quickly and help prevent slowdowns in your check-in lines. Please refer to the
Add or Modify Graduates instructions for more information on these important tasks.
Help Desk Station Set Up
Your Help Desk station should be equipped with the following:
- Laptop - should have power supply and the MarchingOrder Director Software for your ceremony.
- QR Code Scanner (MO Provided).
- Back Up Cards/Labels - These will be used if graduates lost their cards or their phone is cracked/battery dead and their GradPass can’t be scanned.
- Gold Blank Cards - These will be given to late addition graduates. They will need to be filled out by the graduate.
- Index Cards - Back-up labels will be placed on index cards for graduates to use.
- Sharpie Markers or Pens - Used for graduates to fill out blank cards.
- USB Thumb Drive - to merge data to the Ceremony Laptop.