Adding a Guest Ticket to an Individual Graduate

Adding a Guest Ticket to an Individual Graduate


This section provides instructions on how to add a guest ticket to an individual graduate’s record. This feature allows you to allocate additional tickets for a graduate’s guests.

Navigate to the Graduates Module
  1. From the homepage, access the Graduates module using the toolbar on the left-hand side.
Finding the Graduate
  1. Click the Load All Graduates button.
  2. Once in the Graduates section, locate the Ceremony dropdown menu at the top.
  3. Select the ceremony for which you need to find a graduate.
    1. NOTE: If you only have one ceremony, you will not need this step.

Search for the Graduate
  1. Use the Search Bar to enter the graduate’s name or email address and click Search.
  2. This will populate all graduates that meet your search criteria .

Adding a Guest Ticket
  1. Click on the Blue Pencil icon next to the graduate’s name to open their record and edit their details.
  2. Scroll down to the Tickets section in the graduate’s record.
  3. Click the Add button to open the Add Ticket(s) window.

      4. In the Add Ticket(s) window, you can:
    1. Review or Select the Ceremony: Ensure the correct ceremony is selected, or choose the correct one from the dropdown menu.
    2. Allotment Period: Select the appropriate allotment period from the dropdown menu.
    3. Number of Tickets: Enter the number of guest tickets to be added.
      5. Click OK to add the ticket(s).

Confirm Changes
      6. Verify that the ticket information is updated correctly in the Tickets section of the graduate's record.

      7. Click the Save button at the bottom right of the graduate information section to apply the changes.


  1. Issue: Ticket Details Do Not Save.
  2. Solution: Ensure all required fields are completed and that the graduate is part of the ceremony you are trying to add tickets for.
  1. Issue: Cannot Find the Graduate.
  2. Solution: Verify the correct ceremony is selected and check the spelling of the graduate’s name.


Q: What if I accidentally add the wrong number of tickets?
A: You can edit the ticket details by clicking the Edit button next to the ticket information, or delete and re-add the correct number of tickets.

Q: How do I view a summary of all tickets for a ceremony?
A: Navigate to the Tickets module from the Ceremony section to view all ticket allocations.

Q: Can I add guest tickets for multiple graduates at once?
A: Currently, tickets must be added one graduate at a time.