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Pre-Recorded Name Announcement FAQs
Our process for producing pre-recorded graduate names recently changed in order to improve accuracy. Please read the below FAQ and contact your Customer Success Manager if you have any additional questions. How does the website generate names? Our ...
Printed Stage Cards vs. Digital Stage Pass
Digital Stage Pass Stage passes, or digital stage cards, are an electronic version of the traditional stage card used to facilitate ceremony display and/or check-in graduates. Stage passes are distributed via the registration website and can be ...
Staff Check-In With Timeclock
Pre-Ceremony Instructions Determine Required Fields: Identify the fields needed for your post-ceremony report. The required fields for employees are: FirstName LastName FullName Consider including other fields such as Manager, Department, etc., to ...
Sending a Text Message
Send Text Messages In addition to our versatile email system, your Communication module also allows you to send SMS text messages to graduates whose mobile numbers are on file. From your Hub homepage, click the Communications module, then click the ...
Customize Your Stage Pass Layout
Overview The stage pass layout can be personalized with graphics, text, placeholders, and various elements tailored to your ceremony or individual graduates. The following instructions will guide you through the customization process. Instructions: ...